“Office Cooking” A KOK Original WebDrama Production

KOK CHAIN Official
2 min readMay 19, 2022

Coming Soon to a Screen Near You!

Ji Ae Yoo from Lovelyz & Hwang Bo from Chakra to star in “Office Cooking”
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A sneak peek at “Office Cooking” Coming to KOK Platforms in July!

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going, or cooking! The aftermath of an unexpected fire leaves this little pet goods startup (Gae-Gojin) gasping for air as creditors and angry customers knock down their doors with demands and threats. Whereas most employees leave the moment after learning of this tragic event, a few core members pool their resources to keep the lights on at any cost. This comedic yet realistic story shows the resilience and tenacity often forgotten about amidst the daily hustle and bustle. To save on costs, one of the employees suggests cooking and eating in at the office where everyone discovers the simple pleasures often taken for granted in the highly developed society of modern day life.

The production company called “Groundbreaking Project,” or (Hwek-Gi-Hwek) held a press conference on the 13th of May and moved full speed ahead into a scene-packed shooting schedule.

“These behind the scenes images were shared exclusively with KOK for the viewing pleasure of those who follow the growing content platform ranging from blockbuster hits, indie films, web comics, and now original content production,” according to a KOK employee. “We realize it’s a small step, but it’s a small step in the right direction to differentiate ourselves from the competition” they added. Make sure to stay tuned for the next update next week!

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KOK CHAIN Official

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